The famous brand in mould components industry,National high-tech enterpri
  • 深圳市乐华行模具有限公司始建于1990年,位于深圳市石岩上屋大道北自主产权的20000平方米的乐华工业园内,一直专业致力于高精密模具配件的开发、设计、生产和销售。公司本着“乐华配件,精益求精,诚信守诺,持续发展”的经营理念和“以人为本”的管理理念,坚持以最好的品质,最快的交货期和最完善的售后服务回报新老客户。为保证产品品质的优良和稳定,公司引进了一系列先进的生产设备(超精公差可控制在0.002㎜以内),高精密的检测仪器,并重力推行ISO9001:2000的国际品质管理体系;另一方面广纳贤才,不断增强公司的技术力量,实现了产品的多元化。公司生产的主要产品有:顶针、司筒、扁梢、导柱、导套、铜水咀接头、PIN针、型针、日期章、斜顶座、精密定位块、等高螺丝等精密模具配件;石墨导套、自润滑块等无给油零配件;标准、非标准模架(塑胶、冲压)。接受客户指定材料附图加工。公司同时致力发展汽车、航天、机械、电子等领域的标准、非标准高精轴套类产品的生产与配套。承蒙各新老客户的大力支持和长期合作,我司才得以持续稳定的发展。公司热忱欢迎新老客户莅临指导,携手共进,共创辉煌。
  • 企业文化是企业的灵魂,已经成为企业能长期生存和稳定发展的决定性因素。在新的知识经济时代,谁拥有文化优势,谁就拥有竞争优势,效益优势和发展优势。
  • 管理理念:日事日毕,积极向上,拒绝懒散。 生存理念:追求创新。 质量理念:精工细作,精细管理,品质第一。 服务理念:客户至上,至善至美,精益求精,永续经营。 经营理念:乐华模具,精益求精,诚信守诺,永续发展。品质方针: 品质源于每一个细节…… 品质等于99%的态度加上1%的汗水。
  • 乐华模具本着精益求精的行业态度,在该领域崭露头角,所得荣誉证书就是对公司实力和努力的肯定。
  • 企业的最新动态,让您及时了解公司的一些活动计划和公司的发展方向,让你第一时间知道我们的最新资讯,我们的最新动态,深圳市乐华行模具有限公司一直与您同在!
  • 深圳市乐华行模具有限公司第一时间为您提供该行业的最新资讯,深圳市乐华行模具有限公司的新闻资讯大多包括企业自身的新闻动态以及相关产品知识、解决方案以及行业资讯,让您快速了解该行业的最新动态、最新进展。深圳市乐华行模具有限公司让您与我们能有个很好的交流互动。
MMC-ST series to make the flight easier.
  • 为您提供最新经典产品,全面展示经典内容给您。
  • 深圳市乐华行模具有限公司致力于LED显示系统行业,以LED电子显示屏系列产品为主导产品。集研制开发、生产、营销、施工安装和售后服务为一体的大型LED电子电器制造商,深圳市乐华行模具有限公司与您分享深圳市乐华行模具有限公司的最近案例项目,欢迎您的支持!
  • 深圳市乐华行模具有限公司致力于LED显示系统行业,以LED电子显示屏系列产品为主导产品。集研制开发、生产、营销、施工安装和售后服务为一体的大型LED电子电器制造商,深圳市乐华行模具有限公司与您分享深圳市乐华行模具有限公司的案例项目,欢迎您的支持!
  • Add: Lehua Industrial Park , Nort h of Shangwu Road , Shiyan Town , Shenzhen City , Guangdong Province China 518108

    Sales hotline: 86-755-27641199 (813Ext)

    Fax: 86-755-27641928

    Website: Http://


    Working Hours:AM: 9: 00-12: 00 PM 13: 30-19: 30

  • 庞大的师资队伍力量支持,全面展示师资力量风采给您。
  • LHM Mould Base Catlog
    Release time: 2013 - 12 - 02
  • Coupling System Parts
    Release time: 2013 - 12 - 02
  • LHM SquareParts Catlog
    Release time: 2013 - 12 - 02
    LED模组就是把发光二极管按一定规则排列在一起再封装起来,加上一些防水处理组成的产品。 就是LED模组。     LED模组是LED产品中应用比较广的产品,在结构方面和电子方面也存在很大的差异,简单的就是用一个装有LED的线路板和外壳就成了一个LED模组,复杂的就加上一些控制,恒流源和相关的散热处理使LED寿命和发光强度更好。
  • 2010DieMouldComponentsCatlog
    Release time: 2013 - 12 - 02
    串口屏,顾名思义就是用户单片机或PLC只需要串口就可以驱动的显示屏。它由显示驱动板、外壳、LCD液晶显 示屏三部分构成。接收用户单片机串口发送过来的指令,完成在LCD上绘图的所有操作,这就是驱动板完成的功能。
MMC-ST series to make the flight easier.
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A Tradition of Innovation Continues

In 1942, I.T. Quarnstrom founded Detroit Mold Engineering (today’s DME Company) to provide mold bases in standard sizes, ready for machining of the cavity. That was the beginning of the DME tradition of industry-leading innovation and standardization.

Significant advances in mold tooling technology are the DME story. With seven decades of making moldmakers, molders and designers more efficient and more productive, we’ve become an essential resource to the industry.

Quality Materials and Processes

DME starts with only the finest material — as measured by industry-leading standards for quality assurance and supplier evaluation — to ensure high-quality, precision-finished components. And, DME manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 certified to provide consistent, dependable quality.

A Single Source for All Your Needs

For a sampling of innovative products that consistently improve productivity, DME’s extensive product catalog tells it all. If you’re involved in plastics injection molding tooling, DME has what you need. With over 35,000 catalog items, DME delivers a single source for virtually any tooling application.

Comprehensive, Accessible Customer Service

DME customers have 24/7 access via a wide selection of communication channels. Toll-free telephone, fax, mail, e-mail, and web are all available. DME’s eShop online service allows customers real-time order processing and order status updates.


2010 - TODAY


New Electric Valve Gate Hot Runner System provides greater cleanroom productivity.

New Hydraulic Locking Core Pull Cylinder enables smaller molds, simpler assemblies.


New Edge PT pre-pocketed mold bases save moldmakers time.


Unitized Valve Gate, providing superior cosmetics with a simple setup, debuts at NPE.

2000 - 2009


MoldBasics bases introduced for short-run or prototype applications.

Stellar Hot Runner System introduced for micromolding applications.

DME launches online ordering.

DME Hot Runner Technical Center opens to provide a range of value-added services.


DME becomes first mold technologies supplier to earn Moldflow silver certification.


DME enters global hot runner technology partnership with Polimold, SA, of Brazil.

DME offers industry's first packaged Helical Gear Stack Mold Centering Devices.


DME opens new Asian logistics center in Shenzhen, China.

New Eco-Smart Hot Runner System is first HRS optimized for starch-based bio-resins.

DME Molding Supplies combines the best of Northern Supply, Nickerson & OHS.


Cold Runner System for elastomers introduced in North America.

DME scholarship program introduced to support next generation of plastics leaders.


New Die Casting Chill Vents made of beryllium copper help die casters eliminate flash

DME Inventors Collaborative brings Turbulent Flow Plastic Baffles to market

1990 - 1999


DME celebrates 50th anniversary


DME becomes a member of the Milacron family of companies.

Quick Delivery Specials (QDS) mold base program introduced.


Galaxy Hot Runner System introduced for high-cavitation molding applications.

DME earns ISO 9001 certification.

DME acquires Master Unit Die (MUD), leader in quick-change molding systems.

1980 - 1989


New Ultraform finishing and polishing system cuts costly hand finishing operations.


Toll-free central order processing implemented for a convenient point of contact.


DME establishes DME (China) Ltd. In Hong Kong.

1970 - 1979


New DME slide retainer provides smooth action for cam hold-out.


DME establishes I.T. Quarnstrom Foundation to support customer education and training.

1960 - 1969


Standard cavity insert blocks introduced


New DME Collapsible Core is a breakthrough for undercuts

1950 - 1959


First international warehouse established in Canada

1940 - 1949


I.T. Quarnstrom founds Detroit Mold Engineering

Standard mold bases introduced in 18 sizes


Standardized leader pins, sprue bushings, locating rings & return pins join product line

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Copyright ©2005 - 2013 Mold accessories industry famous brand enterprises , state-level high-tech 
Address: Lehua Industrial Park , Nort h of Shangwu Road , Shiyan Town , Shenzhen City , Guangdong Province China 518108
Tel:86-755-27641199 (EXT:813)    
Shenzhen lehuahang mould Co., Ltd. WeChat









